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Background Info:

GIS: (Geographic Information System) An integrated collection of computer software and data used to view and manage information about geographic places, analyze spatial relationships, and model spatial processes. (from A to Z GIS)

Python: A free and open source, general-purpose programming language. It’s easy to use and read, and it’s named after Monty Python.

Rasterio: Raster-I/O or input/output. Some say ‘Raw-ster Eye Oh’, some ‘Ra (like “rat”) -ster Eye Oh’, and yet others say ‘Ra (as in rat) Raw -Stereo’. At any rate, it is a popular package for working with raster data in Python. The emphasis here is on input/output… With Rasterio, usually you use it to read a raster (the input), then transform it to an array that you can use other tools (numpy, scipy, etc) to analyze, then write the new data as a raster (the output).


Today’s Tech:

Jupyter Notebooks running from a JupyterHub.
Why JupyterHub? Because we can all sit down and start coding with minimal setup! JupyterHub is a great technology for teaching programming. We’re all using the same cloud computer, so you don’t have to set anything up ahead of time and everything just works. But for those of you that want to continue using Python/Jupyter Notebooks/Pandas/GeoPandas on your own machine, I highly recommend the Anaconda Python distribution: (works for R, too)

For future reference:
Workshop Notebooks:

Workshop Data: