CRDDS Method of the Month

GIS: Data & Data Sources

Phil White

Earth, Environment & Geospatial Librarian

In-Depth Workshops:

  1. Oct 13: GIS in Python with GeoPandas
  2. Oct 27: QGIS
  3. Nov 10: ArcGIS

Tuesdays 12:00 to 2:00 pm

Nov 13: GIS Day


  1. Refresher on Geospatial Data
  2. Data Finding Strategy
  3. Go-To Data Sources

Google is your friend!

But Googling can only get you so far if you don't know what to Google...

So Let's Recap

5 Things:

  1. Points
  2. Lines
  3. Polygons
  4. Pixels/Cells
  5. And their associated attributes

Vector Data

Raster Data

Vector Data
Raster Data

When adding data to a GIS, we often refer to them as "layers."

Common Vector Formats:

  1. Most often: Shapefile (.shp)
  2. kml/kmz
  3. GeoJson

Common Raster Formats:

  1. Usually GeoTiff
  2. Also ArcGRID, jpeg2000, others

Spatially enabled databases

(Can store multiple layers/data sets;
both vector & raster data)

  1. Geodatabase (.gdb) [proprietary]
  2. GeoPackage (.gpkg) [open source]

Great for managing projects

Webby Formats

  1. Web Map Service (WMS); basically an image
  2. Web Feature Service (WFS)
  3. Tiles

Spatial data can seem like it is both everywhere and nowhere in particular at the same time.

First, ask yourself:
Who Cares?

Who cares enough about this data to:

Collect it

Maintain it

Make it publicly available

Often the answer is government—at all levels

Some considerations...

  • What is the end goal?
    • Cartography vs Analysis

  • What is the scale?
    • Local? Global?

  • Authority
    • Is there good documentation/metadata available?

The data you want may not come in a pretty package...

Go-To Sources

See my YouTube Finding Data Playlist!


"Volunteered Geographic Information"

Open Street Map ...RULES!

See my YouTube video on
extracting OSM data using QGIS

What data are you looking for?

Let me know!

Thank you

