Phil White. Earth, Environment & Geospatial Librarian, University of Colorado Boulder
Radio, E., Gregonis, K., Werling, S., White, P., & Crosbie, K. (2022). Evaluation of geographic vocabularies and their usage. Journal of Map and Geography Libraries. 10.1080/15420353.2022.2068108
Teplitzky, S, Tranfield, M.W., Warren, M., & White, P. (2021). Introducing reproducibility to citation analysis: a case study in the earth sciences. Journal of eScience Librarianship. 10.7191/jeslib.2021.1194
White, P. & Radio, E. (2021). Mapping search queries to metadata fields in a GeoBlacklight repository. Journal of Library Metadata. 10.1080/19386389.2020.1915459
Gilbert, S., White, P., & Tallman, K. (2021). Information seeking behaviors of environmental journalists. Journal of Librarianship & Information Science. 10.1177/09610006211020081
Eichmann-Kalwara, N., Carey, F., Cantrell, M., Gilbert, S., White, P., & Mika, K. Is Digital Scholarship meaningful?: A campus study tracking multidisciplinary perceptions. KULA: Knowledge Creation, Dissemination, and Preservation Studies. [In Press]
White, P. & Powell, S. (2019). Code-literacy for GIS librarians: a discussion of languages, use cases, and competencies. Journal of Map and Geography Libraries. 15(1). 10.1080/15420353.2019.1660754
Swanson, J., & White, P. (2019). Using the WorldCat API to develop data-driven decision-making for gifts-in-kind. Library Resources & Technical Services 63(3). 10.5860/lrts.63n3.180
Heeter, K., Grant, H., Van De Gevel, S., & White, P. (2019). Blue intensity as a temperature proxy in the eastern United States: a pilot study from a southern disjunct population of Picea rubens (Sarg.). Dendrochronologia 55. 10.1016/j.dendro.2019.04.010
White, P. (2019). Using data mining for citation analysis. College and Research Libraries 80(1). 10.5860/crl.80.1.76
White, P. (2016). Realizable value of the MLIS: insights from a new professional. The Bottom Line 29(3). 10.1108/BL-05-2016-0019
Crumpton, M., & White, P. (2016). Connecting real learning with social media ROI. The Bottom Line, 29(1), 2–11. 10.1108/BL-10-2015-0020
White, P., Soulé, P., & van de Gevel, S. (2014). Impacts of human disturbance on the temporal stability of climate-¬growth relationships in a red spruce forest, southern Appalachian Mountains, U.S.A. Dendrochronologia 32(1) 10.1016/j.dendro.2013.10.001
van de Gevel, S., Hart, J., Spond, M., White, P., Sutton, N., & Grissino-Mayer, H. (2012). American chestnut to northern red oak: a forest dynamics study in the Blue Ridge Mountains, North Carolina, U.S.A. Botany, 90(12). 10.1139/b2012-100
White, P., van de Gevel, S., & Soulé, P. (2012). Succession and disturbance in an endangered red spruce-Fraser fir forest in the southern Appalachian Mountains, North Carolina, USA. Endangered Species Research, 18(1). 10.3354/esr00431
White, P., Grissino-Mayer, H., van de Gevel, S., LaForest, L., & Deweese, G. (2011). Climatic response of oak species across an environmental gradient in the southern Appalachian Mountains, U.S.A. Tree Ring Research 67(1). 10.3959/2009-1.1