Fun in the Library with Mapbox
JavaScript webmapping platform
Highly customizable and fun!
Why use Mapbox?
Mapbox GL JS is cutting edge
WebGL rendering, vector tiles
People want to use it
Ubiquitous (except... Google)
Faster, greater functionality than Leaflet
2 fun projects worth sharing
- Creating Sanborn webmap indexes using Mapbox, GitHub
- DH web mapping project collab w/ Art professor
Sanborn Indexes using Mapbox & GitHub
Full attribution to Evan Thornberry of UBC! Check out his presentation on developing this workflow.
Objective: make our scanned Sanborns easier to find... for free!
I followed Evan's method with an update from Leaflet to Mapbox GL JS.
- Heads up digitize new layers based on Sanborn index/keymap pages as GeoJson
- Store layers in GitHub repository
- Create a spiffy webmap using Mapbox GL JS
- Add layers to webmap straight from GitHub
- Embed someplace (like a libguide)
View the code of the webmaps with added GeoJson layers on GitHub!
Bringing the Philippine Village back to life
Art Professor wanted to create an interactive webmap for use on mobile device depicting historical map of 1904 St. Louis World's Fair.
Started as a straightforward GIS consultation on georeferencing...
Quickly realized more conventional approaches wouldn't meet her needs.
Objective: build a mobile webmap with geolocation services, geocoding, toggle-able basemaps
Good news! This is easy and free* with Mapbox!
50k free views/month
100k free geocoding requests/month
Image overlay only requires corner XYs
Adding these elements was easy because documentation is excellent!
All that code looks scary!
Do what I did...
steal it,
adapt and improvise,